Stand up or Give In?

In every relationship it’s inevitable that you will fight at one time or another.

Family, dating, friendships… arguments don’t discriminate.

My question is, when you’re in a fight, how important is it to determine who’s in the wrong? Are there always two sides to every story? Or can there sometimes by the “antagonist” and the “victim?” Okay, I guess that’s more than one question….

Now, say you’re in a fight and you feel that you’re in the “right.” Do you stand your ground waiting for an apology? Or do you give in for the sake of peace?

Personally, I  like to weigh the cost. Is it a fight where only my pride will suffer if I give in? If so, I might relent to end the war. If others are involved and need to be protected, I would stand my ground.

As with most major decisions, the answer should be made on a case by case basis. However, most people tend to lean more one way or the other.

Are you a fighter whose motto is “stand your ground?”

Or are you generally the peace keeper, willing to give in for the sake of the relationship?

4 thoughts on “Stand up or Give In?

  1. Hmm…good question. I think if honesty is in question or integrity, stand your ground. If it’s something silly, something that can be perceived in many different ways, give in. My two cents : )

    • So true! I loved your point about things being perceived in different ways. You may feel like you’ve been wronged, but then, the other person might too! Perspective is so important! Thanks for commenting. Always insightful. 🙂

  2. I think it is important. But yes there’s two sides to every story. The antagonist may not really they are such. The victim may be a drama queen/king who over exaggerates. I am all about the apology. I am not one to back down.

    • Thanks C! Sometimes I wish the world was more black and white. Trying to figure out all the gray areas can be exhausting! I love that I have all of you guys to help give me perspective. 🙂

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